Conveying Blowers
MTD Blowers
Directly coupled centrifugal unit designed for handling of material through the blower
The Kongskilde MTD blowers are direct drive centrifugal units designed for handling material through the blowers. The MTD blowers are equipped with a self-cleaning rotor, which has backward curved blades and an aerodynamic intake. The range covers air volumes from 750 m³/h to 11,000 m³/h. The pressure goes up to 440 mm WG.
The MTD blowers are available with 50 Hz or 60 Hz motors.
Kongskilde MTD Blowers
Kongskilde MTD Blowers are designed for handling material. The MTD series is equipped with a self-cleaning rotor, 6 backward curved blades, and an aerodynamic inlet. The rotor is statically and dynamically balanced to ensure maximum airflow and efficiency. The MTD blower rotors are constructed in 4mm steel plate for MTD 20-22-25-30 and in 5mm steel plate for MTD 35 and MTD 40.
- Suited for both indoor and outdoor installation
- Low power consumption
MTD Sound Enclosures and Noise Reduction
If noise reduction is required, the MTD blower series can be built into a sound enclosure which will reduce the noise produced significantly.
- Constructed with 1.25mm galvanized steel plates on the outside.
- Insulated with noise-absorbing material which is also fire retardant.
- Standard equipped with a cooling fan.

Download manuals, data sheets, and spare parts lists for the MTD blower. For wiring diagrams, please contact us.
Data sheets and Manuals
Spare Parts
Learn more about the Kongskilde MTD blower and see it in action in the video below.